Tag: Travel

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Final Major Update

Where Have I Been & Where Am I Going? Where have I been indeed? I’ve gone months without a post. No call to let you know where I’ve been, and I didn’t even leave a text. What gives? Well, to be honest, the website has been a little unreliable and many of the plugins aren’t…

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The trail up to the fairy pools on the Isle of Skye
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Great Big Scotland & The Highlands

While Ireland & Scotland are close in size, I can’t shake this feeling of Scotland being Ireland’s big brother. The two share plenty of traits such as an abundance of lush green green grass dotted by sheep, little rivers that bend this way and that way, and a strong chance to see rain throughout the…

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Ireland: The Wee Green Island

An Account Of My Criss-Cross Adventure Through The Green Jewel Ireland It’s true what they say about the rolling green hills and winding rivers of Ireland. All the pictures you’ve seen of gorgeous sheer cliffs plunging into the ocean are as gorgeous as they seem. The cities are smaller than I expected with comfy streets…

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Vagrant Tales: India

A 2017 Tale From My Time in India Quick Note: This is a very raw approach that I took a lot while on the road last trip. It’s written in a very flow-of-thought style that I haven’t been doing much on this trip. After reading it, though, I might have to make an effort to…

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Vagrant Tales: Japan

This post is part of a series called Vagrant Tales A Blast From The Past Featuring Previous Adventures Hey, everybody! After struggling with my WordPress for a few hours yesterday, I finally got a helping hand from my wonderful(and much too smart for me) girlfriend Bethany. She had my site issues fixed in about 10…

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